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How to instantly improve your email open rates ✉️

email marketing tips Oct 19, 2022

If you use email marketing to communicate with customers then you probably have a list of subscribers and use an email platform such MailChimp, ActiveCampaign or Klaviyo. 

And if you are prioritising email marketing, then you may even have a list growth strategy in place. 

But when last did you focus on REDUCING the size of your list to improve your email marketing? 

Say what?!  Here's why... 

It's important to keep a high-quality, engaged email list.

If a large % of people don't open or read your emails, email service providers could categorise your emails as junk mail, even for those who actually want to open your emails. 

To maintain a strong email open rate (30% or more), you need to clear the dead wood from your email list regularly

How do you do this? 

 1. Use the filter tool in your chosen email marketing platform to filter out the inactive subscribers (people who haven't...

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